Roberta Reiter
Roberta Hause Reiter was born and raised in Rawson, Ohio, where she met and eventually married her high school sweetheart, Tom Reiter. After graduating from Bowling Green State University with a teaching degree, she and Tom bought a home in Pemberville in 1969 on Joyce Avenue. Roberta has been married to Tom, a longtime village council member and Eastwood teacher and coach, for 55 years. They are the proud parents of sons Jeff and Craig, and daughter Melissa Reiter-Birge, plus 5 grandchildren: Grace, Lydia, Thomas, Joe, and Bobby. Roberta raised three children while working full time, but still found time to support her community. When Tom coached football and basketball at Eastwood, Roberta formed the Secret Six, a group of six girls who decorated the school, gym and players’ lockers before games and spread school spirit. After the fall of Saigon in 1975, she taught a Lao refugee in Pemberville to read and speak English. During the blizzard of 1978, she opened her home to neighbors who had lost heat so that they could huddle around the fireplace and cook hotdogs and play games to pass the time. Throughout the years, she has baked dozens of pies for the legion, served buckets of coffee at the Presbyterian church, volunteered at the fair and been a proud supporter of Eastwood Schools and all things Pemberville. This past year, inspired by the beautiful sunflower murals in Toledo, Roberta decided that Pemberville should have its own mural. She worked with the mayor and the Co-op board to get approval for a project, contracted with a local artist and raised $30,000 and spent countless hours to make it happen. She loves driving by the Co-Op to see the mural now, but her favorite part of living in Pemberville continues to be her wonderful neighbors and the gorgeous sunsets that she says can rival any in the world.
Patricia Louise Rollins
November of 1977, a 24 year old wife and mother moved into the “new section” of Pemberville, following her husband’s transfer from Indiana. That event gave Pemberville a citizen who exudes helpfulness, inclusivity and a humble nature that led to her nomination and subsequent recognition as Pemberville’s 2024 Outstanding Citizen. As a stay at home mom in her kid’s younger years, she spent her time volunteering in the schools, youth sports and village events. In the mid 80’s, Pat used her incredible artistic talents working for Tom Reiter’s Stained Glass Overlay business before buying it in 2006. As a business owner in Pemberville, Pat was very involved PIMA (Pemberville Independent Merchant Association). Volunteering for many events that often didn’t contribute directly to her business, but she felt were important to attract people and show off our village. Pat is also the co-chair of the For Love of Art show at the Pemberville Opera House every February. Continuing with all things art, Pat also is involved in Pemberville Fair’s sidewalk chalk contest. As Co-chair of the Arts, Crafts & Collectibles and Photography contests at the Pemberville Fair, she again volunteers to allow the community to shine with their creativity. While art is a central theme in many of Pat’s professional and volunteer organizations, she has jumped into civic duty in the last five years. Volunteering for the Parks & Recreation Department led to an appointment with the Pemberville Village Council and a winning election last November. As a public servant, Pat is the chair of Personnel and Records & Retention. Pat is the youngest child of Warren and Phoebe Coe. She has an older brother, Don and sister, Jacqueline. Born and raised in Newington, Connecticut, her family moved to Huron, Ohio in her teen years. Pat married her husband Darrell on February 17, 1973 in Huron. Jill was born the following March followed by Kelsey and Jacob. All three kids still reside in Northwest Ohio and have given Pat and Darrell eight grandchildren. They also have son-in-law, Brian and daughter-in-law, Tracy to round out their family. While Pat’s impressive loyalty to Pemberville should be acknowledged, it is her love for her family that better defines her legacy. Kyra, Paige, Kora, Cade, Harper, Kortny, Crosby and Avett (and their parents) know if Gramma Pat can be there or help, she will. Her willingness to support and to teach and to listen and to create with her grandkids (and her kids before that) is what makes her so special. People. Her people, come first. Humble in nature and never one to seek acknowledgement or adornment, Pat improves the lives of those around her through action with an integrity that begets trust. Pemberville couldn’t ask for a better civil servant, volunteer and citizen. And her family couldn’t be luckier to call her ours.